center for companion animal health

Celebrating A Decade Cancer Free

Tiddles was a 4-year-old Papillon when he was diagnosed in 2011 with a brain tumor. His referring veterinarian gave him approximately 2 months to live. Other documented cases showed that, even with innovative treatments, he would probably not survive more than a year or two. But thanks to research, equipment, and treatments made possible by the donors to the Center for Companion Animal Health, Tiddles beat the odds. He recently turned 15 and is celebrating a decade of being cancer free.

Creating a Brighter Future for Shelter Animals


Christine Lynch and UC Davis alumnus William C. Tanner have a special place in their hearts for shelter animals, especially their feline companions Abby, Baxter, Biscuit and Tobias—who once faced uncertain futures. Lynch has made a difference in the lives of countless cats, dogs and other companion animals at their local shelter in Puyallup, Washington, where she has volunteered more than 7,000 hours over the past 14 years. “Bill and I are committed to creating a brighter future for animals and were inspired to support the Koret Shelter Medicine Program (KSMP),” Lynch said.

UC Davis Veterinarians Honored For Saving K-9 Officer’s Life

A San Joaquin County K-9 who nearly died in 2014 after being stabbed by a suspect, was being saved yet again, this time by the veterinary team at UC Davis. This past March, seven-year-old K-9 Haakon was taken to the UC Davis Veterinary Medical Hospital for a ruptured bladder.